NEWSWEEK: Does having the show’s best-looking partner help get a higher score? Oh, you think so? I don’t really look at him like that.

How do you look at him? I’m used to him shouting at me and me shouting back at him. It’s like a brotherly-sisterly thing. He likes to take his top off a lot, so that probably helps with the vote. He does it nearly every dance class we have, which is nearly every day.

When’s the Spice Girl reunion? The second of December.

That’s not very far off. I started rehearsals last week. I do three hours on “Dancing’’ and four hours with the Spice Girls. It’s more street dancing, as opposed to quick-step dancing. Roberto Cavalli designed our [tour] costumes. We’ve got four or five complete changes from head to toe. It’s going to be sexy.

What’s your favorite costume? I’m not going to spoil it. I want you to come to the show and be like, ‘Wow!’

Are the Spice Girls any different now? We’re kind of the same, except we’re 10 years older. We’re more classy. Between the five of us, we’ve got seven kids.

Are all the kids coming on tour? Yeah. We’re all traveling.

Like the Partridge family? [Silence.]

Didn’t you get that in the U.K.? I don’t think so.

They were a TV family that traveled together and performed. Do either of your kids sing? I have an 8-year-old and a 6-month-old. My 8-year-old tries to sing every now and again, but she’s more into basketball. The 6-month-old tries to talk, in her own little language.

Now that you all live in L.A., how much do you see of the Beckham family? Quite a lot. We have playdates with our kids together, and my husband and I go over there for dinner.

Tell me something juicy about David Beckham. No! I’m not going to rat my friends out like that. We’re all about protecting and supporting each other.

I read you’re depressed because of Eddie Murphy [who’s reportedly refusing to visit their child]. I’m too happy to be depressed about anything! My life is so fruitful. I’ve got a great husband. Things are all good.

So there are no visitation problems? I can’t talk about that. The situation is what it is—and I’ve got a beautiful daughter.

Are you going to have any more kids? Oh, yeah. Maybe another two. But not just yet, that’s for sure. I’m too busy.