This geographic discovery game takes inspiration from GeoGuessr. Franklin Clinton will take selfies of himself at random locations. Using these pictures, players must correctly deduce his current whereabouts. Of course, this game requires knowledge about the GTA 5 map.

GtaGuessr was created by developers Nedi and Bladedge, who are avid GTA 5 players. In order to keep the game running, they mainly rely on Patreon donations. Big names like DarkViperAU have already supported their cause. As a result, the game has gotten a lot of buzz lately.

GtaGuessr is a fun way to spend a few minutes, especially for GTA 5 players

On the main website, GtaGuessr has a search bar where players can type any name. Right underneath the search bar are the various game modes. Simply type a name and click on the game mode to get started. Here is a brief explanation on how all of them work.

Easy Mode and Normal Mode

Both Easy Mode and Normal Mode consist of five rounds, with a maximum score of 2,500 points. Players will be given a picture of Franklin, along with an interactive GTA 5 map. They need to correctly guess his current location, based on what they see in the photo. Players can use a magnifying glass for a closer look.

There is a major difference between the easy and normal difficulties. The easier difficulty will use bigger pictures, along with key landmarks and wide open areas. By comparison, normal difficulty has Franklin blocking most of the view.

When the player is ready to make their decision, they should click somewhere on the map. After clicking on Submit, GTAGuesser will grade their performance based on distance. The closer they were to Franklin’s position, the more points they will be rewarded.

Hot Streak and Versus Mode

Hot Streak gives players five seconds to guess Franklin’s position, based on four pictures. This game doesn’t involve an interactive GTA 5 map. Instead, players have to rely on the pictures they are given.

If they pick the correct one, players will move onto the next round. The game ends when they make the wrong decision. Afterwards, they will be graded based on the number of consecutive wins.

Last but not least, Versus Mode has players compete against each other. Matches are based on whoever is online at the time.

What to keep in mind

Even a GTA 5 expert like DarkViperAU can make slight mistakes on Normal Mode. GtaGuessr advises players to take their time and not rush into anything. They should look for clues in the background, such as the type of terrain.

GTA 5 players can also memorize the map based on landmarks, such as the Maze Bank Tower. This should help them narrow down their search for Franklin.

GtaGuessr updates every Monday

Players should get their calendars ready since the game always drops 30 new locations every Monday. It currently has over 1060 places to explore, which helps extend the game’s longevity. The official Twitter page will also keep players updated for upcoming events.

Note: This article reflects the writer’s personal views.

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