For those who’ve seen the light, Christina Barton, a London immune-system wizard, uses pulsing lights and a magnetic-resonance mat—developed for cosmonauts returning to Earth—to simulate several hours of deep sleep (from $200;

For a quick fix, book a stint in a futuristic flotation tank in London, where buoyant Epsom salts create a weightless, stress-free environment and give an instant energy lift ($100 an hour;

At the Golf Hotel’s Mayr Clinic beside Lake Worth, Austria, a team of draconian doctors practices tough love with a selection of homeopathic pills designed to purge the body of holiday toxins ($2,386 per week;

For a more traditional salve experience the healing pow-ers of water at Les Thermes Marins, in Monte Carlo. Therapists swaddle clients in seaweed and squirt them with seawater, then serve balanced gourmet meals (from $1,245 a night for double occupancy at the Hotel de Paris; Or meditate on your New Year’s resolutions at Aman-sala on the sandy shores of Tulum, Mexico, where every day begins with an hourlong silent walk and ends with tribal dancing and yoga (from $1,959 for six nights; If all else fails, dive under your duvet and simply wait for spring.