This news follows online rumors that the giant rift in Fortnite will be closing Aug 21, which suggests another major shake-up could be coming to the popular battle royale game. Despite the large rift closing, a new one has appeared in Tomato Town, in the same location from where the mascot was originally taken. While this could be as simple as the return of the mascot, it could also be a hint at what’s to come from the remainder of the season, as well as what’s upcoming in season 6 of Fortnite.

Of course, Epic Games hasn’t weighed in on this new rift, so anything said beyond its appearance is speculation. However, it seems safe to assume that the return of Tomato Head, if that is indeed the case, should happen before Aug 21 when the giant rift closes. Nevertheless, check out the new rift below:

While this event is likely to unfold and occur before Aug 21, Fortnite players still have until the end of September to complete their Battle Pass challenges and unlock the Ragnarok skin. For those working on the season 5 week 6 challenges, here’s a guide that should help even a newcomer catch up on the challenges. After all, some of these challenges - such as the timed trials - aren’t as simple as they first seemed.

Nevertheless, as the season moves forward, players will likely get more answers as to what’s to come from the rifts. While their disappearance from the game would make some challenges more difficult, it seems plausible with the closing of the giant rift. However, it also seems possible the smaller rifts remain behind after the fact and remain a prominent feature moving forward. Whatever the case, it seems like Tomato Head is returning, so keep an eye out for its appearance in-game.

Fortnite is in early access on iOS, Android, PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.